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Non Traditional Christmas Dinner Ideas - Easy Christmas Dinner Ideas, Non Traditional Christmas Dinner Ideas, Christmas Ham Dinner Menus ... . Little ms piggys non traditional christmas dinners. 1000 ideas about traditional christmas dinner on 17. No stinkin' turkey and mashed potatoes for you? Growing up, my mother loved taking breaks from tradition to throw these elaborate themed christmases. 1) homemade lasagna homemade lasagna is a labor of love, and any dinner guest will appreciate it. Broiled lobster tails are easy yet impressive as holiday dinner. After all, we've all had the kind of year that begs to buck tradition. From appetizers (like this traditional christmas cheese ball ), to main courses (this easy slow cooker ham comes together without the fuss that is typically associated with holiday hams), to desserts (your christmas table wouldn't be complete without a classic pumpkin pie ), simplify your meal with our 25 best easy christmas dinner m...
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